Religion is the beautiful name given to encapsulate the conduct of life in a simple way. It has no other purposes. The very basis of religion is to bracket the unwanted desires of life. If you learn to control your emotions, your life will be simple and beautiful. Leading a simple life without greed and emotions makes this earth a hospitable place for many species to live together peacefully. Therefore, religion paves the way for human beings to accommodate others without any biases or prejudices. If your life translates this thought into action, you will be called religious.
The crux of every religion is to make life easy and simple without harming anyone. If you don't like to live a simple life, religion will not be relevant to you. If it is so,then the question arises: why are there so many religions in the world?
The geographical diversity has led to the origin of different sets of religions in the world. Basically, it is an account of the behavioral conduct of a particular community over a period of time. Religion is not meant to provide you solutions to attain "Moksha,” or salvation, but it is a well-thought-out set of rules to lead a dignified life with raw honesty.As behavior changes, a change in religion is bound to happen. Therefore, uniformity in climate is very important to thread the world into one garland of religion. No one is comfortable with the changes. As the changes occur, our rules and behaviors get immensely affected, which ultimately alters the established rule of law, what we call religion. Therefore, we can conclude that there are many weathers and many religions in the world, which appears to be quite natural. Uniformity in climate and religion is very hard to achieve.
However, many religions add different features to the wings of the universe, but how religion came into being takes the discourse back into history when people started living together in a society. They had been able to earn comfort in their lives. Therefore, a sense of gratitude began to develop. They started offering thanks to the universe for providing them comfort. Now, offering gratitude to the universe had become a part of their lives before going to bed. Many such comforts globalized into the tiny word “religion.” And the universe was compressed into a word known as” God.” Thus, comfort should be given credit for inventing religion and God, respectively.
More comfort and more religion began to mushroom. Some religions found it hard to concentrate while offering gratitude to God because the universe of comfort was large enough to sum up in three letters, so they tried to impersonate God in human form. Since God took shape in the form of a statue and was wrapped in layers of comfort, a residence was felt necessary to put Him in. Therefore, the temple was built as an abode of God.
Seema chaudhary
8 months agoNice
Pankaj Kumar
8 months agoYes...religion must be think like you explain.